Friday, January 18, 2013

Harvey Penick -Little Red Book

Harvey Penick - Little Red Book was in his 80s when this book came out, and the book itself just entered its second decade of printing. But the words within were compiled over the course of Penick's 60-year teaching career, jotted on scraps of paper that Penick saved and finally collected. It has become the best-selling golf instructional book of all-time.


The legendary Harvey Penick, who began his golfing career as a caddie in Austria, Texas, at the age of eight, worked with an amazing array of champions over the course of nearly a century, dispensing invaluable wisdom to golfers of every level. Penick simplifies the technical jargon of other instructional books and communicates the very essence of the game, and his Little Red Book is full of inspiration and homespun wisdom that reflects at once his great love of golf as well as his great talent for teaching

 The lessons Harvey Penick teaches the basics and fundamental of the game of golf that we all should go back to.. The golf swing is basically the same, and Penick could teach it better than anybody. For most of his life, he never intended to publish his Little Red Book, a notebook of golf wisdom and anecdotes that he compiled with the idea that he'd pass it on to his son.

But, for the sake of history, it's a good thing that he changed his mind. Contained in its 175 pages is just about all you need to know about golf from a technical standpoint, along with Penick's priceless memories of working with famous pros, teaching absolute nobodies to get the ball in the air, and finding a horde of bat guano and hauling it across town in a pickup truck to fertilize his golf course

  This book is about life,"Take Dead Aim!" With his teachings and those words as my mantra, I have not only improved the quality of my golf game but I have improved the quality of my life. This book is a testament to the fact that not all things in life can be had by making more money than the other guy, but rather by finding what you like to do (play golf), work at being the best you can be (practice), and then treating others as you would be treated were you in their shoes. A must have for not only any golfer interested in improving their game, but for anyone. 

 Harvey Penick's Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings From a Lifetime in Golf started out as a notebook of things that he learned about golf over the years.  He opens with, "An old pro told me that originality does not consist of saying what has not been said before; it consists of saying what you have to say that you know to be the truth".

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