Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Practical Golf

John Jacobs is one of the most influential golf instructors among his peers, probably more influential among his peers than with the general public - but of course, over time, that means that Jacobs did influence the general public. This book, originally published in the early 1970s, is 144 pages with line drawings for illustrations.

John gives us the basics and builds on the vital necessity of knowing what is going on, the geometry of the golf swing.

Get your copy of PRACTICAL GOLF Here

Lady golfers will especially like the section provided and helps throughout for them, such as "why women raise up on their toes" and "ladies, you can hit it further"

Trouble shots, strategy, equipment selection are all provided in one volume that anyone starting in the game or desiring to shave strokes will reap benefits from. Having gone to a Jacobs school, I can proclaim that this book is a good one to study and mold one's swing after.

 Awarded the Order of the British Empire in 1997, Jacobs also achieved fame as a television commentator, author of several books (including the best-selling Practical Golf), a two-time Ryder Cup captain, and, from 1971-'75,

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