Saturday, January 12, 2013

Swing the Clubhead - Ernest Jones

Ernest Jones was one of golf's first "superstar" instructors. He taught decades ago, but what he taught - summed up in the title of this classic book - is still influencing golfers and teachers of the game. Jones realized you couldn't have a swing unless you have the motion of a swing in the clubhead.  Furthermore you couldn't dissect motion into parts and still have motion: therefore it is impossible to take a swing apart and still have a swing.


There is a frustratingly easy drill in this book that I want to share here. Jones uses the example of a pocketknife tied to the end of a handkerchief to illustrate a pendulum motion. The knife builds speed as it travels along the swing arc.

 The teachings of Ernest Jones are of a distant generation, yet no one with the possible exception of Percy Boomer, has such an influence on modern day golf instruction. Jones is quoted in countless magazine articles, and golf instruction books by well known players and teachers, including Jack Nicklaus, and Gary McCord. McCord, most well known for his humor in golf broadcasts, is a very intelligent and serious student of the golf swing. In his book Golf for Dummies, McCord lists Swing the Clubhead as one of his Top Ten Golf Books.

This book is easy to understand and really exploits the current-day theories and how they target people like you and me. They have a great revenue model: Adults, particularly men, thrive on details and information.

They keep throwing us more "swing secrets" and gadgets and we keep asking for more - when does it end? Swings come in all shapes and sizes - stop chasing that "perfect swing" and go back to the true roots of the golf swing...swing that clubhead!

By producing a swinging motion with the clubhead you will have:
  • Rhythm and timing
  • Maximum acceleration at the bottom of the arc
  • A repeating arc = Accuracy
  • Centrifugal force = distance
  • Balance

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